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Amman Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.  Jordan time (UTC+2)

*Important Note: 

The 'door' to the online meeting closes at 7:10 p.m. by group consensus. No one will be admitted after

this time. Please be on time.

Join Our Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 2915 0352
For the passcode, email 


24/7 International Online Zoom Meeting

In case you get the urge to attend a meeting, and there isn't one on,

the below meeting is open 24/7 and discusses a different topic every hour.

It's an open meeting, and people from all over the world join.

Zoom Id: 840 5355 4493


Passcode: 853263


Joint AA/NA meeting in Arabic

دعوكم لحضور اجتماع مجموعة الشرق الاوسط للمدمنين المجهولين على ش

* الجمعة الساعة ٩ مساءً بتوقيت الاردن القدس ومصر

الساعة ١٠ توقيت مكة

الساعة ١١ توقيت الإمارات وعُمان

* الثلاثاء الساعة ١٠ مساءً

  بتوقيت الاردن القدس ومصر

الساعة ١١ توقيت مكة

الساعة ١٢ توقيت الإمارات وعُمان 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 3619 3791


AA meeting in Arabic

Every Wednesday

Time: 7:00 PM Dubai

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 638 015 3693
Passcode: Bill
Meeting ID: 638 015 3693
Passcode: 588823


AA Meeting in Arabic

‎زمالة الكحوليين المجهولين AA - مصر

‎تدعوكم لحضور اجتماع الأثنين 


‎موعد الاجتماع:

‎٧ مساءًا بتوقيت القاهرة

‎٩ مساءًا بتوقيت دبي


‎الرابط الدائم للاجتماع:


Meeting ID: 662 660 0633

Passcode: cairo42day


Reminder tonight, Monday (Arabic Language), meeting 7:00 pm Cairo time 9:00 pm Dubai Time


Meeting ID: 662 660 0633

Passcode: cairo42day


AA Qatar Online Meetings


R2S AA Dubai is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting

Monday Evening Newcomer AA Meeting (Every Week)
Time: 7 pm to 8 pm


Join Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 689 208 276
Passcode: 223635

Wednesday Evening Big Book Study Meeting (Every Week)
Time: 8:00 PM to 9.30 PM Dubai


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 085 303
Passcode: 641540

Friday Morning Open Share Daily Reflection AA Meeting (Every Week)

Time: 10 AM to 11 AM Dubai 


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 525 768 607
Passcode: 744719



By the Book Speakers Group/Dubai

In response to current world events, we have moved our Group online and have three meetings a week set up at the minute.

The link will be the same for all three meetings. All meetings are speaker meetings.

Or share these steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter meeting ID: 744-724-645

Meetings are as follows (Dubai time: UTC + 4)

Sunday 7pm - 8pm

Tuesday 7pm - 8pm

Friday 7pm - 8pm



Here is the meeting ID for the daily 10 a.m. meeting, this will be the same for every day from now on: 462-304-493



AA Intergroup Directory of Online Meetings


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